- 4. GermanAir Force
- 6. deal with potential counter revolutionaries
- 7. pay for american supplies but they had to pick it up
- 9. Formally ended the war
- 12. Leader of the Soviets
- 13. government ruled by a dictator.
- 14. America,France Great Britain,
- 15. Switzerland,Sweden, Poland,Ireland
- 18. Sign of the Nazis
- 19. Allowed Germany to expand
- 23. secret police force
- 25. government owned everything
- 27. Hitlers minions
- 28. President of USA
- 29. police Undercover spies for the govt.
- 31. regulate what you can see
- 32. execution of threats that are undesirable.
- 1. Leader of the Nazis
- 2. information bias to one side.
- 3. lightning war
- 5. Lend weapons to Britain
- 8. Mussolini's minions
- 10. Worker Association
- 11. Japan war lord
- 16. Japan, Italy,Germany
- 17. Air Battle between Germany and Britain
- 20. Glorification of the Military
- 21. My struggles
- 22. Wanted to fight against Hitler
- 24. unity between US and Britain
- 26. Leader of Italy
- 30. connecting or joining