WW2 Terms

  1. 4. Germany, Italy and Japan-the losing side of WW2
  2. 7. Britain, Russia, and the United States the winning side of WW2
  3. 9. Prejudice against people who are Jewish
  4. 10. A powerful weapon that uses nuclar energy to create mass destruction
  1. 1. a group that still exists today and tries to keep world peace
  2. 2. people used less resources so that certain foods and supplies could be used in the war
  3. 3. Trying to eliminate an entire group of people; Jews and other groups were targets of the Holocaust, and example of genocide
  4. 5. The Germans used large and fast moving armies to quickly defeat other nations this means Lightning War
  5. 6. An attack on this American naval base made the United states join WW2
  6. 8. the Allied countries had a large attack against the Germans and landed on French beaches-June 6,1944