WW4 - Unit 16 Kahoot Ticket

  1. 2. (adj) causing or deserving strong dislike
  2. 4. (n) the time at the end of the day just before dark
  3. 8. (v) to gain or get by making an effort
  4. 9. (n) 1. a repeated action or usual way of doing something 2. the work of a profession
  5. 10. (n) a flower
  6. 12. (n) a state of being satisfied and at peace
  7. 13. (v) 1. to say or do over and over in order to get better at something 2. to do; carry on, perform 3. to work at as a profession
  1. 1. (v) 1. to come into bloom 2. to develop
  2. 3. (adj) happy with what one has
  3. 4. (v) to dislike strongly, to hate
  4. 5. (adj) 1. often seen or experienced; known 2. having a good knowledge of
  5. 6. (v) to put out, as a fire or light
  6. 7. (v) 1. to go from place to place with no plan or purpose in mind 2. to slip easily off the subject; to fail to work in a normal way
  7. 11. (n) a place where fruit trees grow