  1. 1. When a group of nations are on the same side of war as eachother
  2. 4. nickname for soldiers during WWI
  3. 5. A form of battle where 2 sides of a war are in trenches
  4. 13. Treaty that ended WWI
  5. 14. A cause of WWI where a nation would build up its military
  6. 15. Region in Europe nicknamed the powder keg that consisted of the countries Austria Hungary and Serbia
  7. 16. When Someone who has pride in their country
  8. 18. British ship that Germany sunk to get the US involved in WWI
  9. 20. A German boat that sunk the Lusitania and other merchant ships
  1. 2. Created to bring nations leaders together and to resolve world problems
  2. 3. Untruthful information used to get people to believe in wrongs things or to get people to join the military
  3. 6. A war that the treaty of Versailles caused because of the harsh war reparations on Germany
  4. 7. Austria Hungary Archduke who got assassinated that started WWI
  5. 8. alliance An alliance in WWI that consisted of the countries France, the UK, and Russia
  6. 9. An agreement made by both sides of a war to take a break from fighting
  7. 10. These bonds helped the US government pay for the war
  8. 11. An alliances during WWI that consisted of the countries Germany, Austria Hungary, and the Ottoman empire
  9. 12. A main cause of WWI when a Country would take over a poorer country for resource
  10. 17. A note sent to Mexico by Germany influencing them to start a war with the US
  11. 19. Points established by president Woodrow Wilson to end WWI peacefully and to make trading safer