  1. 2. a promise made by Germany during World War I in 1916 pledging to limit its submarine warfare
  2. 5. showed American paranoia about Germans and other perceived threats
  3. 11. filled men's roles in factory work roles as well as working as volunteers for war help organizations such as Salvation Army and Red Cross
  4. 12. most significant peace treaty at the end of WWI that was a heavy leading factor in the next world war
  5. 13. mastermind behind the U.S. government's propaganda campaign, created to “sell” the war.
  6. 14. a form of debt obligation issued by the U.S. government during World War I
  7. 15. a creation of important statements made by President Woodrow Wilson in reference to the peace negotiations at the end of WWI
  8. 16. an organization of private citizens sponsored by the United States Department of Justice that worked with federal law enforcement agencies during the WW1 era
  9. 17. settled labor disputes that might hamper war effort
  10. 18. movement of African Americnas to northern cities in search of factory/industrial work
  11. 19. African Americans to northern cities for factory work
  1. 1. All males between 18-45 had to register
  2. 3. a secret communication intercepted during World War I, revealing Germany's proposal to Mexico for a military alliance against the United States
  3. 4. assassinnation that sparked WWI
  4. 6. ceasefire between Germany and the Allies in 1918 to end hostilities while peace terms were discussed
  5. 7. an international organization that would keep the peace and settle world disputes
  6. 8. a government agency developed to assist in aiding the United States in the industrial production of materials for the American Army
  7. 9. the advocacy of principles such as self-determination, international cooperation, and open diplomacy, particularly associated with the U.S. President Woodrow Wilson's foreign policy during and after World War I
  8. 10. US, Britain, Italy & France
  9. 20. supported war as a means to gain democracy at home