WWI and WWII Review

  1. 1. Hitler's book (2 words)
  2. 5. fighting in ditches in WWI (2 words)
  3. 10. cease-fire/truce
  4. 12. posters that are created during wartime to get citizens to do something
  5. 14. US, France, Great Britain, Russia/Soviet Union
  6. 15. another name for war damages
  7. 17. pride and loyalty for your country
  8. 20. Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary
  9. 21. extreme nationalism
  1. 2. when countries promise to help each other in times of war (2 words)
  2. 3. December 7, 1941
  3. 4. leader that takes over by force
  4. 6. ship that was sunk to pull the US into WWI
  5. 7. name of the telegram that Germany sent to Mexico to pull the US into WWI
  6. 8. not picking sides
  7. 9. name of the treaty that ended WWI
  8. 10. giving into enemy demands to avoid conflict
  9. 11. area between two trenches (3 words)
  10. 13. "night of broken glass"
  11. 16. Germany, Italy, Japan
  12. 18. when a stronger nation takes over a weaker nation
  13. 19. showing off your new military technology