WWI Crossword #2

  1. 2. Major cause of WWI; fervent love of country and belief that nations should self-rule
  2. 3. A home garden planted to grow own food as part of the war effort
  3. 5. Military strategy of wearing down enemy to point of collapse (outfight and outlast opponent)
  4. 6. Treaty that ended WWI, punishing Germany and redistributing European territory
  5. 11. Pre-WWI alliance between Germany, Austro-Hungary and Italy
  6. 12. The region where most of WWI took place - specifically, France and Belgium
  7. 14. Prime Minister of France during World War 1
  8. 15. The Eastern European region of fighting of WWI that reached all the way across Russia's border
  9. 18. A telegram from Germany to Mexico, intercepted by Britian, which pulled USA into WWI
  10. 19. Served as First lord of the British Admiralty in WWI, later became British Prime Minister
  11. 20. An agreement made by two sides in a war to stop fighting (i.e. Russia/Germany in WWI)
  1. 1. US President during WWI; Established the Fourteen Points and the League of Nations
  2. 4. Pre-WWI agreement between France, Russia, Great Britian
  3. 7. First international org; formed after WWI as a means to keep peace in the world
  4. 8. Political & Social Revolution against the Russian Tsar led by Lenin and the Communist
  5. 9. Woodrow Wilson's principles of peace to end WWI; added to the Treaty of Versailles
  6. 10. A 1917 law that authorized the federal government to raise an army with compulsory service
  7. 13. Germany's plan for a two front war - fighting Russia on the East and France on the West
  8. 16. US Federal Law that outlawed any anti-war, military or government speech
  9. 17. US Federal Law passed prohibiting the obtaining of info regarding national defense