WWI Crossworld Puzzle

  1. 2. This empire became the country of Turkey after the war
  2. 5. Tsar of the Russian Empire at the start of the war
  3. 6. Germany was forced to pay these as punishment for starting the war
  4. 7. Germany's main ally was _____ Hungary
  5. 9. This was signed in Versailles, brining World War I to an end
  6. 11. The Big ______ included the United States, Britain, France, and Italy
  7. 14. David Lloyd ________ was Prime Minister of Great Britain
  8. 17. Date, time, and month when the fighting ended
  9. 18. Front where the Russians fought the Germans
  10. 19. An unofficial truce happened on this holiday on the Western Front
  11. 20. United States president during World War I
  12. 21. They fought the Axis Powers
  13. 22. Luxury passenger ship sunk by a German submarine
  14. 23. Country that used the Schlieffen Plan to fight a war on two fronts
  1. 1. These vehicles were used to transport troops through Paris during the First Battle of the Marne
  2. 3. Title of the German emperor
  3. 4. Number of points that Wilson tried to make
  4. 5. League of _________
  5. 8. This country entered the war on the side of the Allies in 1917
  6. 10. Much of the fighting on the Western Front was _____ warfare
  7. 12. Name for a German submarine
  8. 13. Type of government set up by the Bolsheviks after the Russian Revolution
  9. 15. This Archduke's assassination sparked the start of World War I
  10. 16. He led the Russian Revolution
  11. 17. The Triple _____ was an early alliance between France, Britain, and Russia