WWII Knowledge Check

  1. 5. a policy of national isolation by abstention from alliances and other international political and economic relations
  2. 6. to make certain of something; to guarantee
  3. 8. a commitment or a connection to
  4. 10. a swift and sudden military attack; used by the Germans during World War II
  5. 15. elimination or prohibition of weapons, fortifications, and other military installations
  6. 16. satisfying reasonable demands of dissatisfied powers in an effort to maintain peace and stability
  7. 18. the British term for the German air raids on British cities and towns during World War II
  8. 21. the military force occupying a country or the policies carried out by it
  9. 22. a person who assists the enemy
  1. 1. the refusal to take sides or become involved in wars between other nations
  2. 2. a determining condition; state of affairs
  3. 3. the deliberate mass murder or physical extinction of a particular racial or political or cultural group
  4. 4. to influence or control
  5. 7. the process of assembling troops, supplies, and making them ready for war
  6. 9. based on a set of beliefs
  7. 11. determination; a fixed purpose
  8. 12. a resistance fighter in World War II
  9. 13. widely extended or spread out
  10. 14. a disregard of rules or agreements
  11. 17. relating to people who have common racial, religious, or cultural origins
  12. 19. restrictions intended to enforce international law
  13. 20. a suicide mission in which young Japanese pilots intentionally flew their airplanes into U.S. fighting ships at sea