  1. 3. write in vote.
  2. 5. new farming practice created fertile top soil.
  3. 9. increased GA. income.
  4. 10. Atlanta's public schools(Hartsfield)
  5. 14. was lit. governor who should have been in office.
  6. 16. bases started by Russell.
  7. 17. % was the south was with wages.
  8. 20. Roosevelt made to help southern states.
  9. 21. helped increase farm production
  10. 22. financed Atlanta's 1936 payroll.
  11. 23. refused to leave until the issue was resolved.
  1. 1. died before taking office.
  2. 2. bombers were built in Marietta.
  3. 4. transported on Liberty ships.
  4. 6. to urban areas because of decline in farming
  5. 7. increased crop yields.
  6. 8. of billions is what American critics
  7. 11. provided $50billion in supplies f
  8. 12. is what the number of farmers did.
  9. 13. crippled the U.S. Navy in the Pacific.
  10. 15. was also promoted by Hartsfield.
  11. 18. was held to elect Herman Talmadge.
  12. 19. Vinson's nickname.