- 7. Our infamous customer who got their api key breached in 2019
- 8. The main reason we come to the office is to play...
- 10. The destination of our second company trip
- 11. The ISS engineer who has more than 100 certifications, and has the best costume in 2019 halloween party
- 12. The vendor we used for transaction service v1
- 13. The name of the biggest star wars themed room in Jakarta office
- 14. The first logging tool Xendit used
- 17. The name of the destination account to simulate disbursement with invalid destination
- 18. Our first B2B product
- 1. The most popular programming language in Xendit
- 2. The things that are broken most of the time in Jakarta office
- 3. The former vendor for our mongoDB database
- 4. The team that protects the customer from frauds
- 5. The name of our first ever xenPet
- 6. The engineer who has the most message posted on Slack even though he is no longer here
- 9. The old name of our competitor
- 15. The most mainstream name in Xendit
- 16. The prefix/owner name of our NPM packages
- 17. One of our klikBCA token account name
- 19. Interest 7% p.a. until 31 March 2022