Xmas 2020 SF

  1. 1. The only ingredient in this famous Canadian product
  2. 5. Junior’s alter ego
  3. 7. Main competitor of 3 Down
  4. 10. Mainstay SF factory - 2nd name
  5. 11. KFC has its colonel, but SF has ...
  6. 13. First transplanted European origin settlers in SF
  7. 15. A mainstay SF factory - 1st name
  8. 18. Part 3 of Xmas reveillon, but there was only one
  9. 19. SF’s den of inequity
  10. 20. dads favourite part of the Xmas bird
  11. 21. uncle Paul also worked here part time
  12. 23. Most towns don’t have these, we have several in town
  13. 25. Mainstay SF factory- 3rd part
  14. 26. mom called one of dad’s skiing friends by this unique name
  1. 1. London has the ‘tube’ but SF has this
  2. 2. Some say SF has gone downhill, some say it has gone to ...
  3. 3. Part deux of Xmas eve
  4. 4. Mom ‘dressed to kill’ (part 2)
  5. 6. First name of a typical Sunday evening entertainment part 2
  6. 7. Uncle Paul said it was ‘the real thing’
  7. 8. This SF plant went on record with its products
  8. 9. Karpinsky family favourite
  9. 12. In this, Mom was ‘dressed to kill’ in the evening (part 1)
  10. 14. It operated the roundhouse in SF
  11. 16. Paul also worked here evenings
  12. 17. Plusiers des monde use this in a fireplace, some on the Xmas table
  13. 19. Xmas day was a success when this turned out well, bien oui!
  14. 22. Part 1 of Xmas reveillon
  15. 24. Knark’s alias
  16. 27. First name of a typical Sunday evening entertainment Part 1