  1. 4. kVp alters the ___________ of the xray beam
  2. 6. Contrast media that absorbs a great amount of radiation to give a white appearance on an xray image
  3. 8. Who discovered x-rays
  4. 9. In the 1920's xrays were used to remove what
  5. 11. What was Radium paint used for during WWI
  6. 12. Large amounts of radiation can cause _________ and/or Acute Radiation Syndrome
  7. 14. Three Mile Island's partial meltdown occurred over how many days
  8. 15. In the 50's and 60's xrays where used to determine what in beauty pageants sometimes for 50% of their score
  9. 16. This results in less radiation on the anode side of the xray beam
  10. 18. 10 days of naturally occurring background radiation is equal to this imaging exam
  11. 21. When we are born was have 300 ____________ but when were an adult we have 206.
  1. 1. In the 60's and 70's what did many hospitals xray for the safety of the public
  2. 2. This was used in items such as toothpaste, health tonics, candy and paint
  3. 3. CT of the spine equals 2 years of background radiation how much does an xray of the spine equal
  4. 5. What was used to fit shoes to children between the 1930's and 1970's
  5. 7. During WWI who created the portable xray machine to aid doctors in the field
  6. 10. Medical imaging does has _____________ by 20% in a 10 year time frame
  7. 13. Rontgen used an area lined with lead and ____________ to protect his film from radiation
  8. 17. __________ from East to West coast gives an individual 0.035 mSv of radiation; equivalent to a chest xray
  9. 19. What was the first xray image of
  10. 20. What is the largest source of natural environmental radiation