Yaligiri Repertoire Crossword

  1. 2. First daughter-in-law
  2. 5. Begum
  3. 7. Soccer fan
  4. 9. First born
  5. 10. Cars, cars and more cars
  6. 12. Cute doll
  7. 14. Tante's admirer
  8. 15. Mother of two boys
  9. 18. Little princess
  10. 19. Economics Whiz
  11. 21. Tooth soldier
  12. 22. HR honcho
  13. 24. Math queen
  14. 25. Montessori boy
  15. 27. Latest arrival
  16. 28. Bombay veg queen
  17. 30. Chubby cheeks
  18. 33. Marketing expert
  19. 36. The pharmacist
  20. 40. Petite doctor
  21. 41. He would want to watch"LINGA"
  22. 43. China returned
  23. 44. His father's double
  24. 45. Pretty daughter-in-law
  25. 47. Dutch lady
  26. 48. NRI
  27. 49. ...A.K.A. Aziz
  1. 1. Income tax
  2. 3. The Melbournian
  3. 4. ex-Reddy
  4. 6. Eldest Boy
  5. 8. First son-in-law
  6. 10. IITian
  7. 11. Olimpiad winner
  8. 13. Principal
  9. 16. Français queen
  10. 17. Ever-young editor
  11. 20. The guitarist
  12. 23. Counsellor
  13. 26. Recently holidayed Down-Under
  14. 29. Tall Texan
  15. 31. Florence Nightingale
  16. 32. Filipino student
  17. 34. The orange ball champ
  18. 35. President's medal recipient
  19. 37. Kaleidostrokes
  20. 38. Cavity explorer
  21. 39. Texan junior
  22. 42. Budding architect
  23. 46. Sainik
  24. 50. Burma repatriate