ydMed Anatomy

  1. 3. Voice box
  2. 4. Chest region
  3. 5. Shoulder muscle you use during push ups
  4. 7. Tissue that connects muscle to bone
  5. 9. Allow for gas exchange in the lungs
  6. 11. Ligament in the knee that athletes tear often
  7. 12. Largest bone in the body
  8. 14. Muscular organ that circulates blood
  9. 17. Large artery that comes out of your heart
  10. 18. Type of muscle that moves involuntarily
  11. 19. Largest bone in the leg
  12. 23. Smallest bone in the human body **
  13. 24. Where bones meet
  14. 26. Substance that gives hair and skin its pigment
  15. 28. Something in the stomach that people sometimes remove surgically because its infected
  16. 30. Tissue that connects bone to bone
  17. 31. Part of the body with a lid
  18. 33. Finger bones
  19. 36. A heart has two of these
  20. 37. Strongest muscle based on its weight
  21. 38. Bean shaped organ that filters the blood
  1. 1. describe the motion of bending forearm towards body
  2. 2. Where in the body the smallest bone is found
  3. 4. Arm muscle with 3 different attachments
  4. 6. Use this arm muscle to lift weights
  5. 8. Muscle that you use to breathe deeply
  6. 10. Portion of spine where CSF is drawn from
  7. 13. colored part of the eye
  8. 15. Organ that consumes the most blood and oxygen
  9. 16. Where RBCs are made
  10. 20. Carries food from your mouth to your stomach **
  11. 21. Cord Bundle of nerves in the spine**
  12. 22. Flow of tears
  13. 25. Knee Cap
  14. 27. Seals off the lower airway when swallowing
  15. 29. Another name for the collarbone
  16. 32. Outside layer of skin on the human body
  17. 34. Organ that removes toxins from the blood
  18. 35. Another name for a brain cell