Year 10

  1. 3. Capybara is the only clue
  2. 4. Most absence in year 10
  3. 7. Which girl's name has 5 letters?
  4. 8. Whose Whatsapp 'About' is 'Available'
  5. 12. The (only) Japanese guy
  6. 13. Mid April Festival
  7. 15. Who printed these out?
  8. 16. School short form
  1. 1. The person who's birthday is next
  2. 2. Which (subject) room are we in?
  3. 5. The 'weird' laugh guy
  4. 6. Which day are we getting our report card
  5. 9. Which class do the commerce students have next?
  6. 10. The fast runner
  7. 11. Always behind the girls
  8. 14. The basketball guy