- 1. Government responsibilities of the________•Public hospitals •Mental health services •Dental health services •Infant health centres •Health promotion and prevention activities •Community health centres •Ambulance services •Provision and early detection programs
- 4. be innovative and respond to changing needs - cater for needs now and also have resources, technology and personnel to cater for needs in the future
- 7. Ensures that the care provided is culturally relevant and tailored to the individual's needs and wants.
- 10. Every person who is eligible to use the health care system should have the same access despite barriers such as distance, discrimination and affordability.
- 11. An efficient health care system is one that can achieve desired outcomes with cost-effective use of resources.
- 12. The health care system should be centred on the user's needs -reactive to needs fairly quickly, respect dignity and confidentiality .
- 14. health Insurance Private health insurance is insurance that individuals can chose to take additional to Medicare
- 15. Australia's universal health insurance scheme.
- 17. Government responsibilities of the _________,•Medicare,•Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme,•Management of national health programs - NHPAs•Health policy and legislation•Regulation of private health insurance •Australian Quarantine Inspection Service•FSANZ
- 19. health Relates to the efficient functioning of the body and its systems, and includes the physical capacity to perform tasks and physical fitness ie. having reliable body function, healthy blood pressure level, healthy weight for height, being physically fit, being free from disease or illness
- 1. health Being able to interact with others and participate in the community in both an independant and cooperative way ie, maintaining a network of friends, communicating effectively with others, obeying the laws and rules of society, accepting responsibility for actions
- 2. health state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is bale to make a contribution to his or her community ie. recognising and expressing feelings, being resilient and able to cope with a range of situations, supporting and helping family, feeling good about oneself, having coping mechanisms for stress
- 3. aid aid provided by the governments of a group of countries which is distributed through international institutions such as United nations, World Health Organisation and World Bank
- 5. lateral aid aid given by the government of one country to the government of another country- often n the form of money, services, building of infrastructure
- 6. The ability to provide uninterrupted, coordinated care/intervention/action across programs, practitioners, organisations and levels over time.
- 8. subsidises the cost of a wide range of prescription medications, providing Australians with vital medications at affordable prices.
- 9. Relates to achieving desired outcomes in an appropriate timeframe.
- 13. aid short-term aid given in response to a conflict or disaster, examples food, water, shelter, essential medical supplies, trained personnel
- 16. Health professionals should be well educated in their chosen area; they should have appropriate training and qualifications, and should update their knowledge regularly.
- 18. Australias Agency for International Development
- 20. Development Index A way of measuring development, providing a statistical assessment and ranking of a countries achievements based on the three basic aspects of human development health, knowledge and standard of living.