Year 12 Legal - Transition

  1. 7. the final court of appeal in Victoria
  2. 8. the party that has the responsibility of proving the facts in a criminal case
  3. 9. a type of legal assistance offered for free from VLA
  4. 12. all people should be able to participate in the criminal justice system and its processes should be open and impartial
  5. 15. when questioned by police, the only information you must provide is name and
  6. 20. accused people have a right to be tried without unreasonable _
  7. 21. if a party is dissatisfied with the outcome of their case, they might do this
  8. 22. the court that does not have jury facilities
  9. 23. all people should be treated the same, unless this creates disparity or disadvantage
  10. 24. the criminal standard of proof: beyond _ doubt
  1. 1. a reason for Victoria's court hierarchy, refers to judges developing expertise in the types of cases they hear
  2. 2. serious offences
  3. 3. a task word that requires both similarities and differences
  4. 4. a type of lawyer that provides assistance on one day for people struggling to navigate the Magistrates Court
  5. 5. Southside Justice is an example of a _ CLC
  6. 6. victims have a right to be informed about
  7. 10. all accused people are entitled to be presumed
  8. 11. the city Ms Campbell is from
  9. 13. all people should be able to engage with the justice system on an informed basis
  10. 14. offences heard in the Magistrates' Court
  11. 16. what a criminal jury decides
  12. 17. the number of people on a criminal jury
  13. 18. the last name of the lawyer who lost his closing argument
  14. 19. what a legal representative says to ensure a particular juror will not be on the jury