Year 2 - words ending with -el

  1. 2. I wrap myself up in a warm, fluffy ______ after my shower.
  2. 5. The rabbits dug the _____ quickly.
  3. 7. The grey ________ scampered up the tree.
  4. 9. Holly is allergic to _____ nuts.
  5. 10. The magpies stole the shiny ______.
  1. 1. Is the letter ‘u’ a _____?
  2. 3. You do this all the time. At home and at school.
  3. 4. A _____ stores water in its humps.
  4. 5. My auntie loves to ______.
  5. 6. We decorate the tree with sparkling ______.
  6. 8. My favourite _____ filling is cream cheese