Year 5 '-tion' Words

  1. 4. Connection or combination
  2. 8. Informal interchange of thoughts or information
  3. 9. An act or instance of noticing or watching
  4. 11. A sentence or phrase taken directly from a book, poem, or play, which is repeated by someone else
  5. 13. An existing connection; a significant association between or among things
  6. 14. An individual country considered together with its social and political structures
  7. 15. A searching inquiry for obtaining facts or details
  8. 16. A place of settlement, activity, or residence
  1. 1. The investigation of unknown regions
  2. 2. A meaning or interpretation
  3. 3. An act or instance, process, or manner of functioning
  4. 5. To praise or acknowledge publicly
  5. 6. The act or result of producing the sounds of speech
  6. 7. The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge
  7. 8. Announcing that a planned event will not take place
  8. 10. The recognition that it exists, is important, or is true
  9. 12. The act of producing or causing to exist
  10. 15. Knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact or circumstance