Year 5 Vocabulary Unit 1

  1. 5. your mother's father
  2. 9. English for "eigene/-r/-s"
  3. 11. the people you like
  4. 12. your brothers and sisters
  5. 15. the opposite of black
  6. 18. Where do you live? (country)
  7. 19. English for "Frauen" (plural)
  8. 21. German, English, Arabic, Romanian are ...
  9. 23. your mother and father
  10. 24. English for "anders, unterschiedlich"
  1. 1. five plus nine
  2. 2. Mice are ... of cats
  3. 3. English for "überall"
  4. 4. Mrs Jonneg asks a question, students ...
  5. 6. English for "Lieblings-"
  6. 7. a room in the house, you cook there
  7. 8. you put food in it, it's cold
  8. 10. forty plus forty
  9. 13. a place behind a house, flowers grow there
  10. 14. the street and number where you live
  11. 16. another word for cookies
  12. 17. English for "Familien" (plural)
  13. 20. you put your clothes in it
  14. 22. English for "Kinder" (plural)