year 7 Chemistry

  1. 6. pure substance made up of only one type of atomAtom, very small particles that make up all things they have the same properties as the objects they make
  2. 8. Number, were the element sits on the periodic table its number is the same amount of protons it has
  3. 11. of electricity, when something can conduct electricity
  4. 12. scientific word for snapping easily
  5. 13. Lustrous,semiconductive,elements
  6. 14. neutraly charged part of a atom
  7. 15. substance made up of two or more different t ypers of atoms that have been joined together
  8. 17. middle part of a atom
  9. 18. positvly charged piece of an atom there can be multiple protons to one atom
  1. 1. negitvly charged part of a atom
  2. 2. dull, usually brittle, elements
  3. 3. Number, the number of positive neutrons
  4. 4. test, a test to find if something has any hydrogen
  5. 5. a combination of substances in which each keeps its own properties
  6. 7. scientific word for shiny
  7. 9. scientific word for bendy
  8. 10. when something can streech into wires, rods
  9. 13. lustrous,mallable,conductive,element
  10. 16. two or more atoms joined together