Year 8 Chemistry

  1. 3. Physical reactions usually involve a change of ____
  2. 4. This metal is a liquid at room temperature
  3. 5. These are made up of only one type of atom
  4. 6. K is the eymbol for this element
  5. 8. This is a property of metals
  6. 9. This is a property of all metals
  7. 10. Making toast is an example of this type of change
  8. 13. A ________ change is a sign of a chemical reaction
  9. 14. The element which as an atomic number of 10
  10. 15. This is a property of non-metals
  11. 16. This describes chemical reactions
  1. 1. This is a property of non-metals
  2. 2. This can be made of a combination of elements and compounds
  3. 4. The element that has 12 protons and 12 electrons
  4. 6. Ice melting is an example of this type of change
  5. 7. At least 2/3 of the periodic table is made of these
  6. 10. These are made up of different elements
  7. 11. These are a sign of a chemical reaction
  8. 12. 92 of the elements in the periodic table occur ____