Year 8 - Computer Networks Crossword

  1. 3. A collection of computers which are connected together.
  2. 4. The type network located in a single geographical area.
  3. 6. The full name of the man credited with designing the architecture of The Internet.
  4. 8. The device in your home which allows you to connect to a network.
  5. 9. The fastest method of sending data over a network, which uses light to transmit data.
  1. 1. The type of network which can spread over many, large geographical areas (e.g. the world).
  2. 2. The number of bits which can be sent over a given period of time.
  3. 5. The biggest example of a global network.
  4. 7. The most common method for connecting wirelessly to a local network, using radio waves.
  5. 10. Data is split up into these to be sent over a network.