Year 8 - End of rotation big crossword challenge

  1. 5. one of the healthiest countries
  2. 6. table minerals are found on the
  3. 8. more than one illness in one household/community/country
  4. 9. component of food essential for health
  5. 10. one of the most obese countries
  6. 11. another name for teenagers
  7. 12. anyone who engages in sport or exercise
  8. 16. too much
  9. 18. having enough fluid in the body
  10. 19. iron is an example
  11. 20. iron is needed to produce _____ which transports oxygen
  1. 1. a macronutrient
  2. 2. an illness where there are 2 types
  3. 3. amino acids are the building blocks of this nutrient
  4. 4. these are not essential for athletes
  5. 7. not law
  6. 13. scientific name for fat
  7. 14. can cause illness in food
  8. 15. disease caused by excess fat on the body
  9. 17. disease CVD stands for...