Year 8 • Year 8 Temperature is rising

  1. 2. Famous lightouse in IOM (won't let go)!
  2. 3. Athletic event/bang in some nails with this.
  3. 6. manx fish/ sounds like a posh ball
  4. 8. Huge objects/solid/not Earth but in our galaxy
  5. 11. Famous word game/struggle to pick up letters
  6. 13. What do you called a man hanging of a wall
  7. 14. use these at the start of names and MOY
  1. 1. What do you called a man sitting in barely warm water
  2. 4. part of a horses face/bridle goes here
  3. 5. What is this word missing?
  4. 7. What do you call a man who fixes pot holes.
  5. 9. Not from our planet
  6. 10. Opposite to rough
  7. 12. A man reading part of a book/rip part of clue