Year 9 Chemistry

  1. 1. Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium and Radium belong to group two
  2. 3. is from group 7 and so it can be classified as a nonmetal
  3. 5. particles are found orbiting the nucleus in shells electrons
  4. 7. are three main states of matter: Gas, liquid and _____ solid
  5. 9. group number to which Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon belong to is group eight
  6. 11. is found in this state gas
  7. 13. shells have letters assigned to them. Therefore, an element with four shells will have ____ shells klmn
  8. 14. that are made up of more than one type of atom that is not in a fixed ratio is called a mixture
  9. 16. from groups 5-8 tend to form negatively charged ions anions
  10. 17. is from group 2 and so it can be classified as a metal
  1. 2. protons and neutrons are found inside these atoms
  2. 4. electrons jump back to their original shell, they release energy in the form of light
  3. 6. Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Caesium and Francium belong to group one
  4. 8. is commonly found in this state gas
  5. 10. alloy is a _______ of metals
  6. 12. is found in this state metal
  7. 15. is classified as this metalloid
  8. 18. negatively charged ion is called an anion
  9. 19. Boron is from period 2 then it means it has ___ electron shells two