Year 9 - Crime and punishment

  1. 2. Someone may commit crime (e.g stealing food/ money) because they live in ____.
  2. 3. An aim of punishment where criminals pay for the crime committed.
  3. 6. Another word for murder - the act of killing someone.
  4. 10. Complete the following quote 'If you do not forgive others, your sins will not be __________'
  5. 12. An aim of punishment that puts people off from committing a crime.
  6. 14. Jesus taught to 'Love thy _____' an argument against the death penalty.
  7. 15. High-______________ prisons are an example of protection as an aim of punishment.
  8. 16. Punishment is a consequence of crime for the ____________
  9. 17. __________ punishment - punishing an offender by causing them pain.
  10. 19. Barack __________ was the US President who declared he would close Guantanamo Bay in his first 48 hours in office.
  11. 20. _____ punishment - the act of executing someone for a specific crime. It can only be carried out by the state.
  12. 21. Complete the quote 'Allah is the most _________'
  13. 23. An aim of punishment where the criminal is helped to see why their behaviour was wrong and change their mindset.
  14. 26. Paying __________ are an example of reparation as an aim of punishment.
  15. 27. What is the age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales?
  16. 28. Actions that promote a fair and equal society and ensure we have access to our human rights.
  1. 1. An offence that breaks the law.
  2. 2. The penalty imposed for breaking the law.
  3. 4. A type of crime which typically involve violence and targets an individual or group based on their race/ gender/ sexuality.
  4. 5. An aim of punishment which ensures the law is respected.
  5. 7. ____________ Bay - a detention centre in Cuba set up by the US Government.
  6. 8. An aim of punishment that makes the criminal pay for what they have done- revenge.
  7. 9. a secure building where criminals are house for a period of time.
  8. 11. ____________ classes are an example of reformation as an aim of punishment.
  9. 13. The right to a fair _______ is a human right taken away from detainees in Guantanamo Bay.
  10. 16. _____________ service - punishing offenders by making them do unpaid work in the community.
  11. 18. Stopping blaming and/ or pardoning someone for something they have done wrong.
  12. 22. Who told his disciple, Peter, to forgive people 77 times?
  13. 24. An argument for the death penalty is that many countries who still use the death penalty are which religion?
  14. 25. An aim of punishment that takes dangerous criminals out of society to keep us safe.