Year 9 Fractions

  1. 2. first maths room
  2. 4. fourth maths room
  3. 5. bottom part of a fraction
  4. 9. means out of 100
  5. 10. to divide fractions you flip the second and ...
  6. 12. when the top of a fraction is bigger than the bottom
  7. 14. whole number
  8. 15. second maths room
  9. 16. number less than zero
  10. 17. an integer and a fraction together
  11. 18. top part of a fraction
  12. 20. what you should do to a fraction if you can
  13. 21. maths tool for sums
  1. 1. tool for measuring angles
  2. 3. third maths room
  3. 6. make bigger
  4. 7. tool for drawing circles
  5. 8. when two fractions are the same
  6. 11. number greater than zero
  7. 13. make smaller
  8. 19. tool for measuring length