Year 9 GCSE PE

  1. 2. / A benefit that can be seen or measured
  2. 5. / A condition which can be down to a lack of Calcium or Vitamin D
  3. 7. / Ability to interact with others
  4. 9. / Your thoughts and feelings
  5. 11. / A drug which has a calming effect
  6. 13. / How long a person lives
  7. 14. / Irregular, little or no exercise
  8. 15. / Drugs which are not socially accepted
  1. 1. / How you live
  2. 3. / Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes
  3. 4. / A substance which lowers the level of physiological or nervous activity
  4. 6. / A natural chemical which regulates your mood
  5. 8. / A state of being healthy and happy
  6. 10. / Drugs found in everyday products
  7. 12. / The amount of glucose in your body is too high