Year 9 Radiation

  1. 1. Different forms of an element with different numbers of neutrons.
  2. 5. Central core of an atom.
  3. 6. When an unstable nucleus releases a particle.
  4. 8. Particle that has poor penetrating power.
  5. 11. A radioactive isotope.
  6. 13. The basic unit of matter.
  7. 14. Atom that has gained or lost electrons.
  8. 15. Used to detect radiation.
  9. 16. The number of protons in an atom.
  10. 18. The time taken for a radioisotope to decay half of its original mass.
  1. 2. Charge of the nucleus.
  2. 3. First name of the lady who is famous for her work with Radium.
  3. 4. The most penetrating of the three forms of radiation.
  4. 7. A small negatively charged particle.
  5. 9. The city in Japan where the first atomic bomb was dropped.
  6. 10. When alpha, beta or gamma radiation are emitted.
  7. 12. An unstable element.
  8. 17. Particle that travels at very high speeds with moderate penetrating properties.