Year in Marvel

  1. 2. Acronym for the Marvel Cinematic Universe
  2. 3. Takes the mantel as the new Black Panther
  3. 6. Second most prominent female character
  4. 7. The Talokan tribe is of what descent?
  5. 9. Leader of Talokan
  6. 11. Makes the most anticipated cameo in She-Hulk
  7. 12. One of themes in Phase 4
  8. 14. Female character that has been around since Iron Man 2
  1. 1. First Latina and LGBTQ+ character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
  2. 2. First project of 2022 (it's two words without a space)
  3. 4. Bruce's cousin who becomes a Hulk
  4. 5. Who goes by Ms. Marvel?
  5. 8. Where Marvel shows are released
  6. 10. The MCU's new saga is called "the ________ saga"
  7. 13. Jennifer Walters' career