Year in, year out

  1. 3. What do you wear in the winter?
  2. 5. I can make a snowman, what season is it?
  3. 6. Which month is before June?
  4. 7. What's the weather like in spring?
  5. 8. There are ___ seasons in Thailand.
  6. 10. What can you do in the summer?
  7. 12. How many months are there in a year?
  8. 13. It's February in Canada, what's the weather like?
  1. 1. What's the weather like in summer?
  2. 2. In Australia, summer can be ___.
  3. 4. It's January, what can I do in Australia?
  4. 7. How many days are there in a week?
  5. 9. It's raining a lot. Which season am I?
  6. 11. In Canada people wear hats, coats, ___ and scarves in the winter.