Year One

  1. 2. Your favorite rat
  2. 3. Our first holiday together
  3. 5. The event that closed the world
  4. 9. We carved your first one of these on Halloween
  5. 12. Mexican treat we failed to make
  6. 13. The home of the best brownie dessert
  7. 17. Type of bird we would see on walks by your house
  8. 18. Quiet...
  9. 20. Where the farmer's market with the best kettlecorn can be found
  10. 21. Bought in Santa Barbara and died in LA after 14 days
  11. 23. Item smacked during iconic TikTok
  1. 1. Late night drive to this beach for tacos
  2. 4. Light night driving, snowstorms, and no chains, what could go wrong?
  3. 6. Pancakes eaten here often after midnight
  4. 7. Crazy dog
  5. 8. These cookies are restless
  6. 9. Korean movie that started it all
  7. 10. Faruj's favorite green snack
  8. 11. Made a few of these to celebrate from scratch
  9. 14. Handholding required for giving
  10. 15. Nothing... Cake
  11. 16. Best mac and cheese in Oakland
  12. 17. Theaters may be closed but we still watched new ones this way
  13. 19. Our first couples trip was here
  14. 22. City that Victor calls home