  1. 2. When Barb met Mike's family
  2. 6. Anniversary
  3. 8. Mike's first words to Barb in FB Dating
  4. 10. A favorite winter spot
  5. 11. Favorite LeClaire Restaurant
  6. 12. Who Mike Loves
  7. 13. A favorite pastime
  8. 14. The hardest day of the week
  9. 16. Canadian destination
  10. 17. Game Mike does not like to lose to Barb
  11. 19. Mike's favorite Dubuque dish
  1. 1. New clay tool
  2. 3. National Park we visited
  3. 4. We walked this in Boston
  4. 5. First date location
  5. 7. Our morning challenge
  6. 9. Water sport we enjoy
  7. 13. Baseball game we attended
  8. 15. Who Barb loves
  9. 17. We make art with this
  10. 18. First vacation destination