- 5. A claim made by someone.
- 7. Walter Reed said science was about _____.
- 8. a type of bacteria that some thought caused yellow fever.
- 11. Country where doctors were sent to find cause of yellow fever.
- 13. A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease.
- 14. An instrument used to look at very small objects.
- 1. Cuban doctor who believed mosquito bites caused yellow fever.
- 2. Resistant to a disease or infection.
- 3. Capital of Cuba.
- 4. A brand new branch of medical science that dealt with disease causing germs.
- 6. ship that carried Walter Reed to Cuba.
- 9. Location of US Army Medical School.
- 10. Doctor who wanted to find the cause of yellow fever.
- 12. Some people thought this insect caused yellow fever.