Yellow Fever

  1. 5. A claim made by someone.
  2. 7. Walter Reed said science was about _____.
  3. 8. a type of bacteria that some thought caused yellow fever.
  4. 11. Country where doctors were sent to find cause of yellow fever.
  5. 13. A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease.
  6. 14. An instrument used to look at very small objects.
  1. 1. Cuban doctor who believed mosquito bites caused yellow fever.
  2. 2. Resistant to a disease or infection.
  3. 3. Capital of Cuba.
  4. 4. A brand new branch of medical science that dealt with disease causing germs.
  5. 6. ship that carried Walter Reed to Cuba.
  6. 9. Location of US Army Medical School.
  7. 10. Doctor who wanted to find the cause of yellow fever.
  8. 12. Some people thought this insect caused yellow fever.