YLC2 Week 4

  1. 2. You can get this from very loud noise.
  2. 4. More than one.
  3. 6. Actors, musicians, and teachers do this.
  4. 8. Very popular in Asia.
  5. 10. Piano, violin...
  6. 12. Choose one.
  7. 13. Noisy and fast!
  8. 14. Sometimes you hear this is a shop.
  1. 1. You're in one right now!
  2. 3. Like Barack Obama.
  3. 5. Suboi.
  4. 7. You do this with your pronunciation.
  5. 9. You do this in every English class.
  6. 10. Playing music for many people.
  7. 11. Not normal.