You & Hawaii & Michigan

  1. 5. Set on fire, periodically
  2. 6. She prolly loves you best
  3. 7. Bubbly science
  4. 12. The Mitten State
  5. 13. Swim, bike, run!
  6. 15. Biology belle
  7. 17. Hiker hottie
  8. 18. Statistically awesome friend
  9. 20. The Gathering Place
  1. 1. Ariel collected gadgets & gizmos; you collect ...
  2. 2. A spice that's nice with snow & ice!
  3. 3. Stingy sea balloon
  4. 4. Your name
  5. 8. Hawaii's state capital
  6. 9. An expressive bear
  7. 10. The serenader of Palolo
  8. 11. 6 covid cats
  9. 14. She definitely loves you best
  10. 16. New beginnings bird
  11. 19. Lame running buddy