You Love It, I Love It

  1. 1. What the cats are told to get everyday
  2. 6. Something veggie You live with everyday (but not really a veg)
  3. 8. mans sam’s best friend
  4. 9. something you deserve showers of
  5. 11. Stop! Don’t start that movie without some ?
  6. 13. sam’s other best friend (r.i.p.)
  7. 15. a portrait we must finish
  8. 16. a frozen treat fit for your tastes
  9. 18. Let’s ? it up
  10. 19. Put water in this
  1. 2. Combine answers for 19 and 7 to get this
  2. 3. Our favorite holiday
  3. 4. A must-have before bedtime
  4. 5. Our Xmas Queen
  5. 7. Right above FL is
  6. 10. An animated movie that floored us
  7. 12. these are almost as sweet as her
  8. 14. Something we both need. One of us gets it, the other, so-so
  9. 17. a cry that melts your heart