You Won't Solve This

  1. 3. What does 0.5ab sinC find out about a triangle?
  2. 7. Who is the villain in Harry Potter?
  3. 10. What is the process of plants getting light and turning it into food called?
  4. 11. Which economical policy includes interest rates and changes in money supply?
  5. 12. Who won the 1986 FIFA Men's World Cup?
  6. 13. What was the last name of the person who wrote Lord of the Rings"?
  7. 14. Who was the director of Star Wars a New Hope?
  8. 16. What game show did Alex Trebek host.
  9. 17. How many footballs must the home team provide in each NFL game? (INCLUDES HYPHEN)
  10. 19. In ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, the symbol for life also known as the key of life is called an ____.
  11. 20. Shakespeare said “All the world's a _____, and all the men and women merely players.”
  12. 21. Newton's first law of motion is also known as ____.
  1. 1. Which national park was the first one in the USA?
  2. 2. What type of bacteria do you usually find in raw chicken?
  3. 4. What is the name of the cloud that is known as the edge of the solar system?
  4. 5. What was Mark Twain's real first name?
  5. 6. Which type of figurative language uses exaggerations?
  6. 8. What chemical reacts with oxygen in the air to make it glow?
  7. 9. Who won the 2015 Uefa Champion's league?
  8. 15. Which dwarf planet is in the asteroid belt and is about the size of Texas?
  9. 18. The heart of a shrimp is in its_____.