Young People in the Bible

  1. 1. who used to pour water on the hands of Elijah." David
  2. 2. the maiden went and called the child's mother." Samuel
  3. 3. I said, 'Here I am, Lord! Send me.' " Isaiah
  4. 4. a true son in the faith." Timothy
  5. 5. little _________ of Israel" that served Naaman. Maid
  6. 6. Jacob said to him, 'Come, I will send you..." And he replied, 'Here I am.'" Joseph
  7. 7. people will be my people, and your God my God." Ruth
  8. 8. what do You desire me to do?" Daniel
  1. 1. you shall go to all to whom I send you…' " Jeremiah
  2. 2. rose early in the morning… and went as Jesse had commanded him." Joseph
  3. 3. boy ministered before the LORD under Eli." Paul
  4. 4. here I am, a servant of the Lord." Mary
  5. 5. if I perish, I perish." Esther
  6. 6. he determined in his heart..." Elisha
  7. 7. she recognized Peter's voice, she was overjoyed…" Rhoda