Random Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. S.H.E.I.L.D
  2. 3. Zues,Apollo,Hades,hercules
  3. 5. "clock noise"
  4. 7. The UK
  5. 8. Location
  6. 10. the season of giving
  7. 13. cuh
  8. 14. king of the jungle
  9. 16. button eyes
  10. 18. web shooter
  11. 19. Dogers,Lakers,Angels
  12. 21. under the sea
  1. 1. Cheetos
  2. 2. The era of Knights
  3. 4. Tuesdays and Thursdays
  4. 5. Midnight
  5. 6. Cupid
  6. 9. inevitable
  7. 11. The golden gate bridge
  8. 12. The Queen Bee
  9. 15. two faced
  10. 17. Mans bestfriend
  11. 20. The king of rock