  1. 3. Better return your books!
  2. 8. A hurdle to overcome.
  3. 11. +READING
  4. 13. Facts.
  5. 14. the opposite of Numeracy
  6. 16. What are you doing right now?
  7. 20. You do this if you want to have your books a little longer.
  8. 21. Never lose your place in a book.
  1. 1. Fun tests to do.
  2. 2. You can find them at the helpdesk.
  3. 4. We offer these if you forget yours.
  4. 5. Stories.
  5. 6. breaks the book down into smaller chunks
  6. 7. What you get after reading 6 books.
  7. 9. Something you can do to interact with us on our social media.
  8. 10. the person who wrote the book
  9. 12. The act of using a book.
  10. 15. After reading 6 books you'll feel a sense of this.
  11. 17. What you do at college.
  12. 18. Types of book, i.e romance, horror, adventure.
  13. 19. Place where borrow books.