Yucatan Dia de los Muertos

  1. 2. What is the name of Yucatan's Day of the Dead?
  2. 5. When are adults' souls welcomed?
  3. 8. What does "Hanal Pixan" mean?
  4. 11. What reflective item gets put away?
  5. 13. What is the traditional food prepared?
  6. 14. What color shroud is put on top of the ofrenda?
  7. 15. What is the drink made of fermented corn dough?
  8. 19. True/False Families spend a lot of time cleaning their houses.
  9. 20. True/false Taking the food from the ground represents return of the souls
  10. 21. What lights the path for the spirits back to their homes?
  11. 22. What is the ofrenda traditionally covered with?
  12. 23. What is the ofrenda traditionally made of?
  1. 1. What does the flat rectangular ofrenda table represent?
  2. 3. What town cleans their ancestors' bones?
  3. 4. True/False The Aztec empire was once considered part of four cardinal points
  4. 6. What does digging a hol for chachac waj represent?
  5. 7. What guides the spirits back to their homes?
  6. 9. True/False Yucatan Mayans incorporate central Mexican traditions into their traditions
  7. 10. What does the cross on the ofrendas represent?
  8. 12. What is the practice of cooking by burying called?
  9. 16. When are childrens' souls welcomed?
  10. 17. What part of the ofrenda table represents the Mayan gods holding up the plane?
  11. 18. What is the only thing that can see the souls?
  12. 24. What is the bright red salsa used on chachac waj?