Zahira :)

  1. 2. Favorite Disney character
  2. 3. Birth flower
  3. 5. Favorite butterfly
  4. 6. Biggest fear
  5. 10. Which movie always makes me cry
  6. 13. Dream destination
  7. 15. Woman crush
  8. 16. What phrase do I say the most
  9. 17. Hospital I was born at
  10. 20. Favorite thing to do on the internet
  11. 21. Favorite holiday
  12. 23. Biggest pet peeve
  1. 1. Celebrity man crush
  2. 4. Dream car
  3. 7. Favorite flower
  4. 8. What would I eat everyday if I could
  5. 9. Favorite sport
  6. 11. High school mascot
  7. 12. Favorite animal
  8. 14. Which side do I sleep on
  9. 18. Favorite color
  10. 19. Street name
  11. 22. Name of my first dog