Zane energy puzzle

  1. 2. what object has the energy transfer of chemical to electrical to radiant (warm up)
  2. 8. energy that is being stored or waiting to be used
  3. 9. what are used to measure energy
  4. 12. energy of movement of electrons
  5. 13. what always moves from warmer objects to cooler objects
  6. 14. energy created from wind turbines
  7. 16. energy of a movement of an object from one place to another
  8. 17. energy made from flowing water
  9. 19. a crowbar is this type of simple machine
  10. 22. energy that is stored in the NUCLEas (hint) of atoms
  11. 23. a bike is this type of simple machine
  12. 24. energy in higher place or position(the higher the more gravitational pull)
  13. 26. energy that is in motion
  14. 27. energy made of of living or recent living things
  15. 28. what is a push or a pull
  16. 29. a elevator is this type of simple machine
  1. 1. energy created from the sun
  2. 3. what are machines that are made up of several simple machines
  3. 4. sources that nature makes more quickly than we use them
  4. 5. sources that nature cannot make as fast as we need them
  5. 6. movement of energy through substances in waves
  6. 7. energy made up of plants and animals that died millions of years ago
  7. 10. the formula to get work
  8. 11. energy of the vibrations of a movement of atoms and molecules (heat)
  9. 15. energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules
  10. 18. a axe is this type of simple machine
  11. 20. what is the movement of heat from one substance to another
  12. 21. electromagnetic waves that travel in waves like light
  13. 23. what is when a force moves an object
  14. 25. a ramp is this type of simple machine