- 2. The crowless cucco
- 4. Name for ghosts
- 7. He gives you the mask to teach the Rosa sisters
- 10. Agitha collects these
- 13. Contain useful items
- 14. First born princess
- 16. Female head of the pirates in WW
- 18. She makes you carry her
- 21. They dance is you wear the stone mask
- 23. The boss of the Deku Tree
- 25. Lead guitarist of the Indigo-go's
- 29. Will gobble up important stuff
- 31. The elder Composer Brother
- 32. Beautiful lake in Hyrule
- 33. Goron brother
- 37. Mean person who works at LonLon ranch
- 38. They steal cows
- 39. The sage of spirits
- 41. He's just sad he lost his friends
- 44. Where you receive the Fierce Deity mask
- 46. Link's home in Twilight Princess
- 47. Link's companion in Majora's mask
- 48. The goddess of courage
- 49. This nut will stun enemies
- 50. Lead singer of the Indigo-go's
- 52. What colour rupee is worth 200 in OOT
- 54. The wondering scarecrow
- 56. Cute but deadly animals
- 58. Sometimes takes an owl form
- 60. The ranch where you win Epona in OOT
- 61. Link's green-haired friend
- 62. Your mom hates this enemy
- 1. Default tunic colour
- 3. They attack you outside the forest temple
- 4. What colour rupee is worth 50 in OOT
- 5. One of the poe sisters in the forest temple
- 6. The gravedigger
- 8. Shop guru in Windfall Island
- 9. Louise is a ____
- 11. Water species
- 12. God of Winds in WW
- 15. King of Red _____
- 16. Windfall Island, dreams of being a dancer
- 17. Twilight princess
- 19. Oracle of ____
- 20. Upset dragon on Dragon Roost Island
- 22. WW used ____-shaded graphics
- 24. Tunic colour allowing Link to breath underwater
- 25. Newest attendant on Dragon Roost Island
- 26. What tribe lives in Forest Haven
- 27. Mask that causes animals to follow you
- 28. The goddess of wisdom
- 30. One of the witch sisters
- 32. You die when these run out
- 34. The most annoying companion of all
- 35. Ganon's twilight minion
- 36. Tunic colour that can resist fire
- 40. Link's sister in WW
- 42. Annoying bat creatures
- 43. Tatl's sibling
- 45. Weird sky creatures?
- 50. Desert enemies that come out of the ground
- 51. Giant fish known as the Water Spirit in WW
- 52. Mean birds
- 53. The goddess of power
- 55. Dog lost in Castle Town in OOT
- 57. Link protects the Sacred _____
- 59. Sells maps
- 63. There are 3 types in Twilight Princess