Zelda games

  1. 3. A Monkey
  2. 4. Kingdom in Tri Force Heroes
  3. 6. World Majora's Mask takes place in
  4. 11. Water loving tribe
  5. 12. (super obvious) Princess of Hyrule
  6. 14. Who is an evil phantom?
  7. 15. Sorceress of Shadows
  1. 1. His master is Demise
  2. 2. Sword spirit
  3. 5. a Pirate
  4. 7. Nayru is oracle of what?
  5. 8. Spirit _____.
  6. 9. Ocarina of ____.
  7. 10. Princess Hilda is the ruler of what?
  8. 13. The Twilight Princess
  9. 14. A fly monster