
  1. 3. Long deep ditch on the seafloor
  2. 6. process where sediments and other materials are added together to "build"
  3. 7. Plate boundary where two lithospheric plates collide and destroy.
  4. 10. Rupture in the crust that has magma inside and erupts hot lava.
  5. 11. Naturally occurring, inorganic solid substance having a specific chemical composition and characteristic crystalline structure, color, and hardness.
  6. 15. cooled lava under the earth's surface.
  7. 17. when the earth shakes
  8. 18. process when bits of rock get broken down into small pieces.
  9. 19. Crust and upper part of the mantle
  10. 20. a type of rock made by cooled magma, which is molten rock melted from pressure and heat under earths crust.
  11. 21. Plate bound
  12. 22. Plate tectonics that go in opposite directions
  1. 1. type of volcano with deep cracks, when under tension they pull apart and lava comes out.
  2. 2. the process when sediments turn into rocks
  3. 4. a type of rock formed by small sediments cementing together.
  4. 5. Upper layer of earth's mantle, below the lithosphere, very weak
  5. 8. movement of sediments from one place to another
  6. 9. Cracks in the earths crust
  7. 12. the substance that comes out of volcanoes, the stage before magma cools is called...
  8. 13. Outermost layer of the earth
  9. 14. volcano and earthquake activity
  10. 16. a type of rock formed by any type of existing rock, in which minerals are changed in structure of composition by pressure and heat.