
  1. 2. The dog that got infected in I am Legend. 1 word
  2. 4. A symptom of the virus in the Walking Dead causing them to feel warm. 1 word
  3. 6. Can stop the infection from spreading if done soon enough. 1 word
  4. 8. Temporary cure in Dying Light. 1 word
  5. 10. The name of the virus in I am legend. 1 word
  6. 11. Most zombies are drawn to it. 1 word
  7. 12. The setting in Dying Light. 1 word
  8. 13. What was Doctor Alice Krippin trying to cure in I am Legend. 1 word
  9. 14. Where had the cure been completed in I am Legend. 2 words
  10. 16. Who figured out how to create camouflage to the zombies in World War Z. 2 words
  11. 17. Super-fast Infected covered in big green blisters. 1 word
  12. 18. What group of people were invisible to the zombies in World War Z. 1 word
  13. 19. How many seconds it takes for a zombie to reanimate in World War Z. 1 word
  1. 1. Helps certain media zombies work together, specifically World War Z zombies. 2 words
  2. 2. What part of the brain restarts in The Walking Dead. 1 word
  3. 3. How most zombie viruses are transferred. 2 words
  4. 5. A virus that mostly transfers via animal bite. 1 word
  5. 7. “I've never seen one so still. They're always ______.”(Goldsman and Protosevich). 1 word
  6. 8. "Authorities have confirmed an _____ ___ outbreak"(Goddard, Lindelof, and Carnahan). 2 words
  7. 9. A common name for zombies across all media. 1 word
  8. 15. Who found the cure in I am Legend. 2 words